Hitachi EUP-S50A Phased Array

This probe EUP-S50A is intended to be used by doctors or other qualified operators. The probe is placed on the body for
observation of surrounding organs.


Hitachi EUP-S50A Phased Array

Applications: Cardiology and Transcranial

Frequency Range: 4 – 2 MHz

Scan Angle: 90° FOV

Large Connector for Hi Vision & EUB systems

Hitachi EUP-S50A at FujiFilm Official WebSite

Additional information
Dimensions 7,9 × 3,8 × 2,8 cm

Probe Type

Phased Array


Frequency (MHz)


Medical Specialty



Connector type

Compatible Systems

Compatible Systems

Hitachi HI VISION Ascendus

Hitachi HI VISION Preirus

Hitachi HI VISION Avius

Hitachi EUB-7500HV

Hitachi EUB-6500HV

Hitachi EUB-7000HV

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